- Marketing Minibar (www.marketingminibar.com)
This is definitely my favourite blog out of the five
I've looked at. Its concept is simple yet effective, taking current
marketing activity and reporting it in a funny yet professional and
informative manner. Aesthetics wise, the fonts and layout used for
each post stay consistent. The background picture is quite heavy and
may be seen as distracting, however I think it suits the blog well,
using a white font to bounce of the darker image. You can quickly
identify with the topic area by looking at the archive of posts, the
headlines are precise and intrigue the reader into the article such
as 'Usain you want to go to Jamaica?'. It uses multimedia such as
pictures and videos to enhance each post and supplies a credible and
personal account on each marketing tactic discussed.
- A Marketing Students Blog (www.phil-hudson.com)
This blog boasts a professional layout with informative
content about the work of a student in London. When I first visited
this blog I thought that the posts would continue to blog about what
he/she gets up to in London, however when scrolling through it is
hard to identify its purpose. It is clearly a media orientated blog,
with large high quality photographs popping up regularly. The
background is simple yet effective, and the text/headers follow a
consistent pattern. Out of all the blogs I identified the least with
this one and felt that it needed more direction with its content,
however aesthetically it is good quality.
- Green Fondation (www.greenfondation.com)
Green Fondation is a blog set up in the south of France
that covers events and activity from major brands such as Vans and
Red Bull. I was particularly drawn to this as my blog covers
marketing activity that I do for Red Bull. The blog uses a number of
large photos and videos to draw readers into each post. The content
follows a very similar pattern and readers will easily identify with
its purpose. It uses several tabs to separate different content using
'News' as the main blog, 'Film' and 'Art' as archives and 'Crew' for
a list of athletes/people involved in the production.
- Extreme Sports Blog (www.extremesportsblog.com)
This blog is set up for fans of extreme sports, with a
huge archive of different videos of professionals dominating in their
own field. Extreme sports is a big part of the work that Red Bull do
to promote their product so this blog fits in well with some of the
activity I will create. Compared to the other blogs Ive looked at,
this blog is a bit more hectic. The header is vibrant, and with ads,
hyperlinks and tags surrounding the main posts, it is easy for the
reader to get distracted. The content is basic using videos as the
main tool of communication, however it serves the purpose of the blog
well and keeps everything consistent.
- Sport and Event Marketing (www.blog.sportmarketing.bg)
Similarly to the Extreme sports blog, 'Sport and Event
Marketing' uses mostly video content to engage with their audience.
The layout is formal, using only red, black and grey colours in the
design. I wouldn't say that the post headlines entice me to read on,
but then again its mostly videos so it is easy to click and watch.
This however seems like a bit of a lazy way of blogging and doesn't
differentiate itself from any other site that the video may appear
on. Overall I think the concept for the blog is a good one, but the
execution is too simple and leaves the reader with a less personal
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